What is Cancer ?

Commonly, our body make a new cell and take over the old cells every . Normally, the cells are growth under control so when a group of cell growth out of the control it will become a tumors.

Cancer tumors can be divided into two types of tumors,first is Benign Tumors and the second is Malignant Tumors. A Benign Tumors is a small tumors in the organs. Benign Tumor will not spread to other organs and it growth very slow. Benign Tumor is not a cancer.Malignant Tumor is bigger than Benign Tumors. Malignant Tumor growth very fast. If the Malignant Tumors did not treat well it will spread to other organs.Malignant Tumor also called carcinoma in situ, it is a type of cancer.

Cancer Symptoms
The following is the most common symptoms

  • Throat, nose, urine unusual bleeding
  • Hard to swallow
  • No appetite
  • Found a lump in somewhere in your body
  • The wounds are hard to heal
  • Long-term coughing
  • Tinnitus
  • Continuous Pain at a part of body

Different type of cancer have a different symptoms. Some of the cancer do not have any symptoms in the early stage so do run a test every year / half a year.

Cancer Tumors Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Cure
Depends for the stage of the cancer and the types of the cancer, the period of the treatment will be different. Most of the patient who taking the Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Cure did feel and see the good result. Chinese Master is one of the cancer specialist in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Cancer Herbal – Sabah Snake Grass
Sabah Snake Grass (Chinese: 沙巴蛇草, 优顿草, 忧循草), scientific name called Clinacanthus. It had been used in Thailand for long time ago. In 2009, Sabah Snake Grass become very famous in Malaysia because it had been proven to treated cancer patient in a month. Newspaper and website reported about the Sabah Snake Grass miracle cured the cancer patient. A lot of people around the world, who diagnosed with cancer, had come to Malaysia to seek for this miracle cancer herbs.

One Response to “What is Cancer ?”

  1. Ashley Neundorfer says:

    Women tend to be more vigilant than men about getting recommended health checkups and cancer screenings, according to studies and experts.They’re generally more willing, as well, to get potentially worrisome symptoms checked out, says Mary Daly, MD, oncologist and head of the department of clinical genetics at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

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